Sue Popesku Archives

We invite you to explore this curated digital archive comprised of arts, culture and heritage material collected by Sue Popesku and other members of northeast BC.

Please Note: We are still working on our archival systems! We will be making minor changes to style, organization and navigation. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please contact us.

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Artspace Brochures (2004-2009)

The Artspace has been organizing events for years. Attached are brochures from 2004-2009. There are many different events for many different ages, from painting classes to science experiment classes to baking classes and workshops for adults.

Arts in Fort St. John (1956-1959)

A compilation of newspaper clippings about various arts news and events in the city. Some articles are from 1956-1959 while others recall those years.

Arts in Fort St. John (1951-1955)

A compilation of newspaper clippings about various arts news and events in the city including the opening of the Fort St. John library. Some articles are from 1951-1955 while others recall those years.

Arts in Fort St. John (1946-1950)

A compilation of newspaper clippings about various arts news and events in the city from 1946-1950 including the Alcan Follies, the film “Land Beyond the Peace,” and the Gene Forster band. Some articles are from 1946-1950 while others recall those years.

Fort St. John Overture Concert Series (1958)

A compilation of newspaper clippings about Fort St. John’s 1958 Overture Concert Series. The concert features and celebrates vocal, instrumental, and dance performances.

Concerts in Fort St. John (1961-1963)

Newspaper clippings about band, choir, and other music concerts in the Fort St. John community including a Square Dance Jamboree and a “Musical Interlude” by Central School.

Fort St. John Overture Concert Series (1960-1963)

A sample of newspaper clippings and advertisements related to Fort St. John’s Overture Concert Series from 1960-1963. The concert features and celebrates vocal, instrumental, and dance performances.

The Fort St. John Hospital (2016)

This is a news clipping from 2016 announcing the first baby born that year. Sue Popesku was part of the Hospital Foundation for many years and this clipping is from the many scrapbooks she made containing Fort St. John Hospital news.