Sue Popesku Archives
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- Peace River North Festival of the Arts
Arts Beat was a newsletter produced by the Peace Liard Regional Arts Council, showcasing regional arts news, contact information, and other related announcements.
Three groups of documents from the Peace Gallery North. The first is a media release from September 30, 1992 to December 31, 1992. It features the upcoming exhibits and artists that will be at the gallery. Included in this group is also a cartoon advertisement for continued support of the gallery. The next set of documents promote artist, Donalda Grassie, providing a media release, her card, and artist profile. Lastly, Robert Young is a featured artist as well, with documents pertaining to his background and pottery specializations.
Mayor Pat Walsh swore in the new executive of the Fort St. John and District Chamber of Commerce.
An article in the Northerner asked Sue what she sees for 1990. She responded by saying, “The new Arts Centre will begin its last mile towards finishing construction, and we will look into even bigger things in ’91”. She also said that “1990 would see the Chamber of Commerce take some very strong stands on issues.” Amy Smith, another Fort St. John resident, was also interviewed in this article.
This catalogue includes a resume of Sue Popeksu’s from 1992 and an application she submitted for the General Manager position at the North Peace Cultural Society.
There are three letters that sue wrote, One of them was to Pat Walsh, the Mayor inquiring about the Arts Council Structure and municipal and government funding. Another one was to Frank Oberle M.P. asking the Federal Department of Communications would be able to contribute $500,000 to the Expo Legacy Project (building of the North Peace Cultural Centre). The third one is from Sue to the Five-Year Planning Committee Northern Light College. She was asking NLC to continue to fund the arts during difficult economic times (known as the 80’s bust) given increased interest in arts especially music, drama, and dance programs for children.
This is a collection of documents of local community bands in Fort St. John, with dates ranging from 1990 to 1991. The bands mentioned are the North Peace Concert Band, Hazelton Secondary School’s Concert Band, and School District No. 60 Elementary Band. The documents include two concert programs, two letters, and scheduling for the elementary school band.
The “Staging a Penny Drive” was to raise funds for Phase II construction of the Cultural Centre. The pennies were being laid on the stage of the Artspace. If anyone guesses the correct number of pennies on the stage they could have won $100.
Sue Popesku wrote these two articles about Artspace and the Fort St. John Public Library. Pam Mroz is also mentioned in the articles.
These documents come from the Northern Dance Theatre Society. The first is an undated, overview of the group. It briefly discusses their history, accomplishments in competitions and other performances, and the advancement of their students. The second group of documents are informational brochures and a calendar. They highlight the dates of different performances ranging from 1989-1992.
These two news articles discuss Stage North’s “A Christmas Carol” held in 1991. Auditions took place in September and the performance was in December. Tickets were sold through the Artspace in early November. The show was presented eight nights in December.
Stage North Theatre Society put on an amazing event with five fake murders at the masquerade ball. This news article describes the details about the event and how it will be run. There were cocktails, solving a murder mystery, and dancing. All the funds went to the North Peace Cultural Centre.
The first document is a history and overview created by the North Peace Historical Society. It covers the Society’s origin, main objective, and their contribution to the Fort St. John North Peace Museum. There is also mention of the tourism in the city and related statistics. The rest of the documents are brochures for the museum. The first comes from the museum’s opening in 1984, and the remainder are undated.
The North Peace Performing Arts Festival began in 1945. This article includes preparations for the upcoming Peace River North Festival of the Arts. One of the articles was written by Sue Popesku who talks about all the measures taken to make the festival run as smoothly as possible.